Traveling with Erasmus

Everyone loves to travel. It is a great way to get to know new regions, peoples, and unfamiliar cultures. However, travel is financially demanding and not for everyone. We can even go into debt to take pictures on the beach. We think that social media means so much to us that everyone is jealous of our vacation experiences. Not so, we would still be surprised if we found out we went into debt because of social media. Many schools encourage travel, which is a relief for students. You don\’t have to be from a wealthy family to apply to Erasmus for a trip.

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For those who don\’t know, this is one of the European Union projects that encourage student travel. Thus, students can travel to the other side of Europe if they register for Erasmus. Usually, the project involves two schools working together. In addition, the project is assigned one theme, usually conservation, exploration of global issues, or contemporary issues. This theme is worked on jointly by both schools after a group of students arrives at the other school. Accommodations will be arranged by the students themselves, either overnight at the student\’s home or by the teacher. Visiting teachers will be provided with a hotel or guesthouse.

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Proficiency in as many foreign languages as possible is strongly recommended for this tour supported by the European Union. In many cases, English is spoken in the foreign country, but German can be arranged, or, for example, a Czech and a Slovak can continue to speak their native languages in good harmony. Building vocabulary is one of the very best experiences, and this Erasmus project certainly supports that. Furthermore, the project itself assumes that the students are not well-off but still want to participate in Erasmus, so most of the remaining costs are covered by European Union funds


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